About Me

Name: Ryan
IMDb Aliases: RCSPs3, Scream_Saga101; SidneyPrescott2000; smg101, ScreamGellarCruzNine
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/RCScream1234

Courteney Cox and Sarah Michelle Gellar

Favorite TV Shows
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Ringer, Angel, Friends, Cougar Town, The Good Wife, The Young and the Restless, Veronica Mars, Sex and the City, Dirt, Guiding Light , Bones, Charmed, Gilmore Girls, and 30 Rock

Favorite Movies
Scream 3, Scream Scream 4, Scream 2, Veronika Decides to Die, The Hours, Aliens, Psycho, The Return, The Air I Breathe, Cruel Intentions, Suburban Girl, Black Swan, Sex and the City , Sex and the City 2, Nine, Moulin Rouge!, Halloween, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, Breaking Dawn Part 1, The Silence of the Lambs, NightScream, Alien: Resurrection, Halloween H20, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Derailed, The Interpreter, Erin Brockovich, Nothing but the Truth, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Inception, Chicago, American Beauty, Titanic, The Dark Knight, Fargo, Revolutionary Road, The Reader, A Fish Called Wanda, Pretty Woman, Who's Afraid of Virigina Woolf?, Rebecca, The Wizard of Oz, Sound of Music, Volver, The Upside of Anger, Pleasantville, Mean Girls, Changeling, Closer, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Kill Bill Vol. 1 + 2, November, Halloween II, A Nightmare on Elm Street, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors , Carrie, Duplicity, Final Destination, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, Twilight, Eclipse, New Moon, Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, Dreamgirls, The Family Stone, Red Eye, Flightplan, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Departed, Doubt, The Family Stone, Inglourious Basterds, Adaptation, Juno, The Kids Are All Right, Little Children, Michael Clayton, Grease, Se7en, Precious, Rabbit Hole, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Crash, and Up in the Air

***Indicates the loves of my entertainment life

My Ranking of the Scream
Scream 3***
Scream 4***
Scream 2***

My Ranking of the Buffy Seasons
Season 6***
Season 2***
Season 3
Season 5
Season 4
Season 1
Season 7

My Ranking of the Angel Seasons
Season 3
Season 4
Season 2
Season 1
Season 5

My Big Four Film Performances
Neve Campbell, Scream 3
Nicole Kidman, The Hours
Sarah Michelle Gellar, Veronika Decides to Die
Natalie Portman

Why Scream 3 Is The Best Of The Scream Saga:
. The complete second half of the film is literally flawless (post-Sidney comes out of hiding). The first 25 minutes are also pretty flawless, too, but not in the same park as the second half's brilliance. The only time it makes any mistakes is the 20 minute gap between Sarah Darling and Jennifer's house explosion <- it's not bad ...it's like 65% great, 35% flawed.
. The three intertwined storylines (Sidney's metal heath, Maureen Prescott's past, and Stab 3) makes for a very strong driven narrative.
. Has the strongest message of all four films (even though Scream 4's is very strong.) The message of the movie -> the first two asked the question are movies responsible for people killing? Most blame Hollywood for influencing the youth of America to be violent murders. The movies themselves don't, but the drama behind the scenes is enough to start a murdering bloodbath. Scream 3 shows us Sidney Prescott, a woman has lived through two killing sprees and has her life intertwined in this Hollywood drama. She, also, is in a bad mental state as a result. Yet, she is able to put the darkness aside from her past and move on with her life. You kill because you chose to...the movies, the people behind the movies, don't matter...it's your journey....you're decision.
. The role of Sidney was handled the best. Her scenes were crucial to her character development; there was no scene that felt like they edited in as a "filler" to get to the finale like the previous films.
. Scream 3 was the most emotional of the four.
. It was more brave than the first two and the fourth by having a male opening victim, let alone a recurring character who was the hero of the previous film.
. Neve Campbell's performance was flawless. The best acting I've ever seen.
. It was the funniest of the four without using the "spoof" to be funny.
. I think it’s the scariest of the four. Very thrilling, as much as terror (Blood doesn't matter...this is Scream not Saw).
. It was without a doubt the most surprising.
. I like the "adult society" plot it has compared to the first two and fourth who were about high school world and college life.
. It was the most plot heavy of the four, and I like plot; twists.
. The best climax/finale of the series. Brutal.
. Best production values: film editing, art direction, sound mixing, sound editing, visual effects, and the score! Scream 2 had slightly better cinematography and costume design.
. Contains the best supporting character in the entire series (excluding the trio in the earlier films), yes I'm talking to you Jennifer.
. The whole deja vu to Woodsboro and Sidney on the Stab 3 set was creepy and very effective. It goes back to the original and pulls out the unseen.
. Finds the equilibrium that 1, 2, and 4 couldn't find. It was terrifying, but you thoroughly enjoyed it.
.The killer had the best and most motivation to want Sidney dead out of the seven killers.
. The character development with the main three was a perfect epilogue. Wrapped up the story with loose ends being cut off while incorporating a little bit of "let the viewer decide." The new cast was different from the first sequel and the third sequel; in Scream 2 and Scream 4 the characters were so sketched out to be likeable with quirky personalities, it made them unlikeable. In Scream 3 they weren’t designed to be likeable; the audience was allowed to like new characters in Scream 3 on their own.
. The fact that it was original. This is more-so pointing to Scream 2, than the original even though in some ways the original was vastly similar to Halloween. Scream 4 was making fun of remakes so, I'm not sure if I can fault it for homaging the first three in every scene. The clever plot with the Stab 3 cast being offed as they are in the script; life imitating art.


Wall Street Money Never Sleeps

Being a fan of the original, iconic film, I had high expectations for the long awaited (an overused phrase, but 23 years is too long) sequel to "Wall Street." Unfortunately, they weren't met. With the original director and the two leads from the first returning, this could've easily been one of the best films of the year....could've been.

Oliver Stone is a talented director, effectively guided the first film, but never seems to connect with this script as he did with the first. It lacks the "zing" the first film glided on. Stone tries, he does try, and he does succeed here and there, but he's buried by the ill-fated script. And speaking of the screenplay...

Some truly witty lines of dialogue are in there some places, but a film can't be built on good dialogue every other page. In simple terms, the actual Wall Street storyline is pretty dull and extremely uninteresting. It's boggled down by the film's pretentious "business world talk" and loses the audience. You can feel the barrier set between the film and yourself.

However, Gordon Gekko side of the spectrum trumps the money/business story. The drama of the past 23 years is what the fans of the original want to see. When we get to see that the film is much better and grabs you into the story. But lets you go in the big gaps where the GG story falls behind the curtain. But then again, how much credit of the Gekko section is due to the script and not Douglas himself?

Michael Douglas is back in the role he won his second, but only acting, Oscar. The role has become iconic, and Douglas still has the magic touch that won him the golden man. His supporting role from the 1987 original has been minimized (big mistake). But the scenes he does have soar thanks to nothing else but Douglas' fine acting skills. He fits comfortably back into the role that was tailor made for him. Where's his second acting nomination?

Aside from Douglas, he has what looks like a good group of cast members backing him up: Shia LaBeouf, Carey Mulligan, Josh Brolin, Susan Sarandon, and Frank Lagella. Heck, Charlie Sheen even has a cameo reprising his role from the first film. The problem is, why can't this film work? Great performances, talented director, and a pick-up from a juicy storyline.

On a final note, despite it's problems (and weird editing which I haven't mentioned), Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is worth seeing just to see Michael Douglas back on top.


Rabbit Hole (2010)

Nicole Kidman has an outstanding resume collected in the past 25 years. The Hours, Moulin Rouge!, Eyes Wide Shut, The Interpreter, Margot at the Wedding, The Others, Birth, Dogville, Nine, Cold Mountain, the list goes on. She's proved herself to be the best working actress out there, today, but has had a bit of a rough patch since her Oscar win with many films flopping critically and or financially. "Rabbit Hole" reiterates the fact she's the best there is.

Kidman plays Becca with intense, explosive motivation. She really gets under your skin; you see Becca, not Nicole Kidman. It really is a landmark in her career. She's bound to get a well- earned Oscar nomination and will go head-to-head with Natalie Portman for the win (Don't you wish there were more ties?) She transforms into the role and drenches it in realism. sorrow. It's beyond words can describe and mothers who've gone through such a horrible loss will thank Kidman left and right.

The script plays a character itself. Its dark subject matter was a risky one, but it unflinchingly succeeds at all costs. It displays accurately the process of grief and does justice to the sorrowful topic. The much needed comic relief moments are in there as well, which lightens up the mood. Some dialogue will stick with you as you leave this film and will haunt you. You'll find yourself repeating what's said in the film. The direction goes hand-in-hand with the script. The delicate approach is perfectly matched. With a film like this, it could be over- the-top and obnoxious, or flat and lifeless, but the director finds just the right note and strikes it right for 90 minutes.

Aaron Eckhart plays opposite Kidman as the husband, Howie. He is dignifying in his depiction of a grieving father in need of conquer this tragedy. Diane Weist is also a wonderful standout as Becca's mother who has also lost a child. She has her dramatic moments which are the weight of her performance, but has so much warmth to her character which really makes you care for her.

Rabbit Hole isn't to be missed. It's a fascinating, deep, and moving film that will knock you on your feet. Kidman is terrific, but not without the support of Eckhart and Weist. The score is also brilliant and beautiful. At a nice, short running-time, Rabbit Hole will have an impact on your day. 10/10


My predictions for Scream 4

Anthony Anderson (Perkins)
David Arquette (Sheriff ‘Dewey’ Riley)
Kristen Bell (Unknown)
Alison Brie (Rebecca)

**Adam Brody (Deputy Hoss)**
Neve Campbell (Sidney Prescott)
Courteney Cox (Gale Weathers-Riley)

**Rory Culkin (Charlie Walker)**
Shenae Grimes (Unknown)
Lucy Hale (Unknown)
Marielle Jaffe (Olivia Morris)

**Erik Knudsen (Robbie)**
Mary McDonnell (Kate Roberts)
**Hayden Panettiere (Kirby Reed)**
Anna Paquin (Unknown)
Emma Roberts (Jill Roberts)
Brittany Robertson (Unknown)
**Marley Shelton (Deputy Judy Hicks)**
Aimee Teegarden (Unknown)
**Nico Tortorella (Trevor Sheldon)

We have anywhere from 4-6 dying in the first 20 minutes. Even if all 6 don't die in the opening, we know they'll die somewhere in the first half. Then add Rebecca and Olivia dying as the 30 minute kills and possibly one hour kills. Then Kate will die at the beginning of Act 3. 9 deaths pre-finale. These names are in red, I'm about 95% sure will die.

I've bolded the surviving trio, I don't think they'll die, but many people do. Too much negative reaction to characters like Laurie Strode, Ripley, Nancy, ect dying. Plus that'd be breaking the biggest cliche of them all, having their main characters survive more than 4 events. Gale will probably be the most injured of the three from the Stab-a-ton, but there's no way she's going to die after they showed her in compromising positions in the teaser and first photo. So, we have 9 other suspects at most. I think it's safe to take Jill out of the mix and Anthony Anderson. Jill has been seen attacked, and I doubt if she was the killer, she'd be under the bed hiding and Anderson, we'd be able to tell if its him in the ghost costume. Trust me. Both names in blue.

That leaves 6, in **green**. Wes said Scream 4 will have the highest body count, does that mean with Stab actresses, too? With Stab actresses, we only need 2 more to die to exceed Scream 2 & 3. Without Stab actresses, we would need 2-4 to die + the 2 that already needed to die if Stab actresses weren't included.

It's pretty much just a guessing game from here. My guess is, we'll have at least one female killer, and Marley was already a big suspect before it started filming. Shelton is one of the bigger names of the cast, and is a police officer, so strength isn't an issue. I pretty much have my heart set on Kirby being one of the killers. In the character descriptions, she's said to be a jock-turnered-film geek for about a year before the events take place. They've never had the best friend be the killer yet, not to mention how creepy it'd be for the killer to be the person that is with Jill constantly and ther person she confines most in. Though she's been said to be on set during the days of the big chase scenes, she hasn't been seen attacked by the killer. I'm also pretty sure Nico survives. We've never seen the boyfriend survive yet in the Scream series, but even with that, the boyfriend is always a suspect (thanks Billy). Adam Brody is getting special attention with his name being included on the Weinstien's newsletter. This could be just like Tyson on the poster in Scream 3, or he could play a significant role in the finale. M Last but not least is Charlie and Robbie, the film geeks. With all these females dying, some guys need to go as well and with all these strong male characters, the movie geeks would be the first to go. I'm sure Robbie will bite it, don't know why. Of everyone here, he's the least suspecting. Charlie got the same treatment as Hicks did when character descriptions were released, that he was one of the killers. He is more suspicious and looks stronger than Robbie, but that's just a hunch. We did see him attacked in front of Kirby at the Scream awards. Kirby and he are friends, that's for sure, I'm sure if I'm right Kirby was just playing along so her close friend wouldn't go out of this world remembering her as a killer.

My final killer prediction is: I know there's at least 2 killers, and more than 3 seems like too much. So, I'll say Kirby, Hoss, and if there's a 3rd, Hicks.

My finale body count prediction: The 6 WB actresses, Rebecca, Olivia, Kate, Robbie, Charlie, **Dewey IF they should kill off one of the survivors which again, I highly doubt**, the two-three killers.

My final survivor count: Sidney, Gale, Dewey, Jill, Trevor, Perkins, Shelton (if she's not one of killers)