About Me

Name: Ryan
IMDb Aliases: RCSPs3, Scream_Saga101; SidneyPrescott2000; smg101, ScreamGellarCruzNine
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/RCScream1234

Courteney Cox and Sarah Michelle Gellar

Favorite TV Shows
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Ringer, Angel, Friends, Cougar Town, The Good Wife, The Young and the Restless, Veronica Mars, Sex and the City, Dirt, Guiding Light , Bones, Charmed, Gilmore Girls, and 30 Rock

Favorite Movies
Scream 3, Scream Scream 4, Scream 2, Veronika Decides to Die, The Hours, Aliens, Psycho, The Return, The Air I Breathe, Cruel Intentions, Suburban Girl, Black Swan, Sex and the City , Sex and the City 2, Nine, Moulin Rouge!, Halloween, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, Breaking Dawn Part 1, The Silence of the Lambs, NightScream, Alien: Resurrection, Halloween H20, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Derailed, The Interpreter, Erin Brockovich, Nothing but the Truth, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Inception, Chicago, American Beauty, Titanic, The Dark Knight, Fargo, Revolutionary Road, The Reader, A Fish Called Wanda, Pretty Woman, Who's Afraid of Virigina Woolf?, Rebecca, The Wizard of Oz, Sound of Music, Volver, The Upside of Anger, Pleasantville, Mean Girls, Changeling, Closer, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Kill Bill Vol. 1 + 2, November, Halloween II, A Nightmare on Elm Street, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors , Carrie, Duplicity, Final Destination, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, Twilight, Eclipse, New Moon, Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, Dreamgirls, The Family Stone, Red Eye, Flightplan, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Departed, Doubt, The Family Stone, Inglourious Basterds, Adaptation, Juno, The Kids Are All Right, Little Children, Michael Clayton, Grease, Se7en, Precious, Rabbit Hole, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Crash, and Up in the Air

***Indicates the loves of my entertainment life

My Ranking of the Scream
Scream 3***
Scream 4***
Scream 2***

My Ranking of the Buffy Seasons
Season 6***
Season 2***
Season 3
Season 5
Season 4
Season 1
Season 7

My Ranking of the Angel Seasons
Season 3
Season 4
Season 2
Season 1
Season 5

My Big Four Film Performances
Neve Campbell, Scream 3
Nicole Kidman, The Hours
Sarah Michelle Gellar, Veronika Decides to Die
Natalie Portman

Why Scream 3 Is The Best Of The Scream Saga:
. The complete second half of the film is literally flawless (post-Sidney comes out of hiding). The first 25 minutes are also pretty flawless, too, but not in the same park as the second half's brilliance. The only time it makes any mistakes is the 20 minute gap between Sarah Darling and Jennifer's house explosion <- it's not bad ...it's like 65% great, 35% flawed.
. The three intertwined storylines (Sidney's metal heath, Maureen Prescott's past, and Stab 3) makes for a very strong driven narrative.
. Has the strongest message of all four films (even though Scream 4's is very strong.) The message of the movie -> the first two asked the question are movies responsible for people killing? Most blame Hollywood for influencing the youth of America to be violent murders. The movies themselves don't, but the drama behind the scenes is enough to start a murdering bloodbath. Scream 3 shows us Sidney Prescott, a woman has lived through two killing sprees and has her life intertwined in this Hollywood drama. She, also, is in a bad mental state as a result. Yet, she is able to put the darkness aside from her past and move on with her life. You kill because you chose to...the movies, the people behind the movies, don't matter...it's your journey....you're decision.
. The role of Sidney was handled the best. Her scenes were crucial to her character development; there was no scene that felt like they edited in as a "filler" to get to the finale like the previous films.
. Scream 3 was the most emotional of the four.
. It was more brave than the first two and the fourth by having a male opening victim, let alone a recurring character who was the hero of the previous film.
. Neve Campbell's performance was flawless. The best acting I've ever seen.
. It was the funniest of the four without using the "spoof" to be funny.
. I think it’s the scariest of the four. Very thrilling, as much as terror (Blood doesn't matter...this is Scream not Saw).
. It was without a doubt the most surprising.
. I like the "adult society" plot it has compared to the first two and fourth who were about high school world and college life.
. It was the most plot heavy of the four, and I like plot; twists.
. The best climax/finale of the series. Brutal.
. Best production values: film editing, art direction, sound mixing, sound editing, visual effects, and the score! Scream 2 had slightly better cinematography and costume design.
. Contains the best supporting character in the entire series (excluding the trio in the earlier films), yes I'm talking to you Jennifer.
. The whole deja vu to Woodsboro and Sidney on the Stab 3 set was creepy and very effective. It goes back to the original and pulls out the unseen.
. Finds the equilibrium that 1, 2, and 4 couldn't find. It was terrifying, but you thoroughly enjoyed it.
.The killer had the best and most motivation to want Sidney dead out of the seven killers.
. The character development with the main three was a perfect epilogue. Wrapped up the story with loose ends being cut off while incorporating a little bit of "let the viewer decide." The new cast was different from the first sequel and the third sequel; in Scream 2 and Scream 4 the characters were so sketched out to be likeable with quirky personalities, it made them unlikeable. In Scream 3 they weren’t designed to be likeable; the audience was allowed to like new characters in Scream 3 on their own.
. The fact that it was original. This is more-so pointing to Scream 2, than the original even though in some ways the original was vastly similar to Halloween. Scream 4 was making fun of remakes so, I'm not sure if I can fault it for homaging the first three in every scene. The clever plot with the Stab 3 cast being offed as they are in the script; life imitating art.


Brilliant New Fan Poster; the best poster yet!

Why not use this for the poster, Bob Weinstien? This should be motivation to get the real cast poster out pronto.

Kate Winslet's Year of all Years:: 2008

2008 was my first year that I really followed the Oscars and award season; it's when I learned the ropes of the whole Oscar / film industry way of living. Sure I watched the Oscars since 2005, but didn't really know who would win or why the would. 2008 changed that for me, and really it was a great year for film as a whole; a great year to be brought up in.

Kate Winslet, who lost 5 times before, had two huge, Oscar-baity films coming out so as you can imagine, people were saying she'd win even if she was God-awful in both. I have to agree with that to an extent, but in fact, she delivered two of the best performances she'll ever give throughout her career.

Winslet was campaigned as Lead for Revolutionary Road and Supporting for The Reader, which I would agree with. Oscar Buzzers were quick to jump and accuse Harvey Weinstien of category fraud because Winslet is in The Reader for a substantial about of time. (I believe her screentime was around 40 minutes?) I can see the argument there, but I don't agree with it. Either way, both great performances.

She won the Critic's Choice Award for Best Supporting Actress (The Reader), but was left out of the Lead Actress race there (Revolutionary Road). She also managed to win the SAG award in supporting with a nomination in lead. Then the Golden Globes came along and she won both Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress; to say the least, it put ideas in my head.


I thought holy cow! She could win both at the Oscars, too!

Then BAFTA nods came out and Winslet was honored twice in the Lead Actress category for both films (won for The Reader). However, when the Oscar nominations were announced, Kate was ignored in Best Supporting Actress, but honored in Lead Actress for The Reader (not Revolutionary Road; actors can't get two nominations in the same category in the same year, but they could she would have).

I personally think that was the wrong way to go, even though there was a marvelous perk to it: Penelope Cruz could win for Vicky Cristina Barcelona, who is also one of my favorite actresses. However, I wish that the Oscars could've repeated the Golden Globes and rewarded Cruz for Nine this past year. Winslert waited her turn (even lived through the awful robbing of her career defining Eternal Sunshine role), and should've been awarded both.


She is all-time worthy in both roles. She's as solid as they come as Hanna Schmitz and April Wheeler. Never have I seen an actress be so consumed in two roles in one year.

I could relate to Revolutionary Road's character, April Wheeler in so many ways that really made me appreicate everything about Winslet's performance. Winslet's line deliveries are gripping; she induced April full of life and when looked at the screen, I saw April not Kate. Her highs, her lows, one of the best female performances of the past decade.

Winslet's other character, Hanna, is completely opposite of April. She's a nazi guard, who had an affair with a 15 year-old Ralph Fiennes. She nailed her accent, but that's beside the point. Especially in Act 2 & 3, Winslet nailed the character. She was handed one of the most unsympathetic characters an actress can be handed and in the end my heart wrenched for her. I felt cold while watching the film and I couldn't get the performance out of my head for weeks.

Why she couldn't have been honored for both in beyond me because she deserves both statues more than anyone ever could. And to think, Winslet achieved this monumental year in the year where Lead and Supporting Actress were at its finest (L: Hathaway, Streep, Beckinsale, Jolie, Leo, Cruz; S: Farmiga, Cruz, Adams, Tomei, Clarkson, Olin) At least the Hollywood Foreign Press got it right!


New Shot of Courteney in S4; Unseen

At the beginning where the old shot of her at the Stab-a-thon was when she finds the killer's cameras. Where could this scene be? In the epilogue? It could be a hospital room (there is flowers in the corner) but it could also be the Roberts household. Or it could be the Riley house? But this certainly raises her chances to surviving like I've been saying all along.

Teaser Trailer of #Scream4: A new angle for the Gale

BTW, Cox looks stunning as usual :)


Black Swan hits 100 Million!

With a budget of only 13 million, Black Swan has now grossed over $100 million in the US and 172 Million worldwide! Now, go get your freaking Oscar, NATALIE! The DVD release date is set for March 8th 2011.


Cotillard Signed on for The Dark Knight Rises!

File this under rumor for now, but Marion Cotillard may be joining the cast of Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises after all. Le Figaro, France’s oldest and second largest newspaper, is reporting that Cotillard has signed on to join Nolan’s third Batman film. This is quite surprising news, given that just last month Cotillard announced she was pregnant, seemingly taking her out of the running for any role in Dark Knight Rises. However, the actress is due in May, and with the film shooting from May until November, there could be ample time for her to recover and appear in the film after all. The report is in French, but Batman News (who brought the story to our attention) translated the article as follows:
“The actress, who is expecting a child in the spring with Guillaume Canet, will be scarce this year. She’ll do a single film and her choice fell on Batman 3.”
The newspaper appears to be legit, and not simply a tabloid. There may, in fact, be some truth to this. Cotillard turned in a brilliant performance in Nolan’s Inception, and one would assume that she’d be eager to work with him again. Could Talia al Ghul be in the film after all? Nothing’s been officially confirmed, and this could very well turn out to simply be a rumor, but it sure would be fantastic if it turns out to be true. The Dark Knight Rises is slated for a July 20th, 2012 release.


SOS: Gale Weathers:: The Unbiased Breakdown of Possibilities

As many of you know, I was worked up as hell yesterday when the new review for Scream 4 rushed to the Internet from someone who said they supposedly saw a more recent test-screening. It was a rave review, but they did mention the trailer was full of spoilers...

And speaking of the trailer give-aways there are a few. I really dislike this aspect of the film. I get that the marketing guys want to get asses in seats for an R-rated slasher film, but seriously, there is nothing worse than seeing a film and then going "Well, I could have told you that was going to happen from the trailer.". And while I refuse to say WHAT scene it is I am referring to, I will say that it involves a few of the more important cast members. The scene itself is heartbreaking to watch for the hardcore crowd, albeit a bit predetermined, but it is also effective in its necessity, and fans should at the very least appreciate the quality of the performances.

W.T.F. was my reaction, too. And just like every other Scream fan that read this review, there mind immediently went to the fearless Gale Weathers' barn chase scene highlighted in each trailer, so far. This review + the trailer implies that Gale dies at the Stab-a-thon. Anyone who knows the Scream trilogy knows that Gale has been the main character in all three after the protagonist, Sidney Prescott. Completing the surviving trio is Cox's real life husband, David Arquette.

When 4 was officially announced, fans speculated that the trio would die in the opening sequence of the film. It was shown over the summer, that's not the case. The trio was shown filming all over Michigan; combine that with the new trailer, fans were assured they were the main characters again. And speaking of the trailers....

Ever since Scream 4 promotion began in October, it broke free with a picture of Gale in the barn with Ghostface behind her, ready to attack. Fans were thrilled.

The first trailer was released at the Scream Awards (ironic, right?). It was basically the teaser trailer cut in half. The 50 second preview showed the following of that scene we saw in the first picture: Ghostface jumping at Gale; Gale being thrown onto a stack of hay or something in the barn; and the killer sitting on top of Gale, knife drawn,  and Gale saying "Go ahead if you have the guts!" 

This threw fans for a loop. If anyone of the trio would've been killed off it was expected to be either the heroine (ala Laurie Strode), Sidney Prescott or the clumsy, ex-cop who has had one too many close encounters, Dewey Riley, not Gale Weathers played by the most lucrative star of the bunch, Courteney Cox. 

The teaser came out, same clip shown, as did with the 2:30 minute trailer a few weeks ago.

Fans, myself included, jumped to the conclusion that Gale survives, that the Wiensteins are throwing us for suspense, thrill-ride. Why would they reveal the biggest death of the film in the trailers when they know most fans are expecting one of survivors to bite it? Through the different trailers, it's shown that Dewey sees Ghostface behind Gale on the video monitors in the car. He runs into the barn, and jumps to the upper level of the barn with his gun drawn, saving his wife.

After reading that section of the new review, it seems that they are talking about this scene, implying that Gale does die, that Dewey doesn't get there in time. 

Okay, let's just assume that is the case. The cons outweigh the pros::

- Gale's death would add emotional weight to the film
- Some may see it as a cliche that the main trio doesn't die
- Gale's a depressed woman now, a bored woman. Great way to be sent out?

- The character has survived three previous events, it's not fair
- Her death would make the first three pointless
- If there is a Scream 5 & Scream 6, having them without Gale would be almost unforgivable to fans, especially if Dewey and Sidney are in them
- Having her or either of the other two die would be the stronger argument for becoming a cliche. Since the sequels began, a survivor from the previous has died: Randy in Scream 2 and Cotton opening Scream 3. Fans weren't thrilled to say the least. And those two character were only in one previous Scream film without even 10 minutes of screentime. Just imagine Gale, the second main character in the first three? It's not a cliche yet, it's only been twice before, and the once was for the opening, so it's not as bad because he was the least important survivor.
- The Scream series would lose the specialty name it's created for itself. It's one of, if not the only slasher franchise to keep the same key cast members in all installments of the franchise. If Gale dies, that leave 2 original actors. Reputation: Lost. The Scream trilogy is where you root for the main character, not the villain (ala, Friday the 13th, Freddy Kruger, ect).
- Gale's arguably the most popular character of the series
- Where does this leave the character of Dewey? His wife on 10 years is gone. Goodbye comic relief.

Possible situations
1) Dewey could save her just in time
2) Gale could just die. 
3) She could be cut up, but taken to the hospital

1) Again, restating: why is this scene being promoted excessively? Why have so much secrecy on set if they are just going to give away the biggest death in the trailer. That's like robbing a bank and burning the stole money
2) Maybe Cox is over the series. This story was put to rest 11 years ago, back when Cox was younger. Sure they were the only hit movies Cox has ever starred in, but she has her TV shows to fall back on. Maybe she has it in her contact for Gale's death to be revealed in the trailer, like Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween Resurrection
3) Cox is the star of one of the biggest TV shows of all-time and has had two other semi-successful shows after it, one of which is still on the air that got her a Golden Globe nomination. She's obviously the biggest celebrity of the film, that could sell it. Some teenagers now-a-days don't know about Scream. They were infants when 3 came out. If they see trailer of TV spots they can say "OH Monica/Jules in that! We should go see it!" That was already present during the ET interviews back in the Fall, that that is the way they are promoting it. Why would they want to throw their moneybags of the franchise in the garbage? 
4) Could be a fake out, like Dewey in 1 + 2.
5) Cox was asked about Scream 5 & 6. Her response was "There will be 5 + 6, but I don't know anything yet." Implying that she's awaiting news and information about it to sign on.
6) It's was stated in that new review that Sidney is the backbone of the series, but Gale and Dewey are the blood the runs through the veins that keeps the films fresh and alive. Without Gale there, uh......what?
7) If she does in fact die, this could explain Cox's bitterness in the ET and Ellen questions about the 4th film. Or she could just feel uncomfortable because of the separation between she and her husband that sparked during shooting of the film. I'll go with the latter, because in the new interview that I mentioned in #5, she was more enthusiastic.
8) Dewey is for sure confirmed to be in the finale. The barn scene is supposedly the end of Act 2, before the finale. Why, if his wife is dead, would Dewey go back on duty? If his wife of eight years was just torn from shred to shred in a barn full of teenagers, he'd be shaken up, especially all that he's been through with her. This, right here is a strong indicator that she doesn't die.
9) Other people who screened the film in PA has said the survivors are Sidney, Gale, Dewey, Hicks, and Kirby, with the killer being Jill and Charlie. Unless they saw two different versions of the film, someone's lying. And we've heard this statement on IMDb and Youtube many different times from different users (that she survives).
10) This could be a hoax, this review. 

On a final note, I think today, I went into a deep depression over this. They just can't kill Gale. They can't. There will be hell to pay if she does die, though. It will ruin the movie for me, and probably other die-hard fans. Below is a picture of the chase scene I keep referring to...

Courteney Cox as Gale Weathers in Scream 4 (2011)



A new review has surfaced from the Scream 4 pre-screeners.

Going into the packed test screening for Craven's now fourth installment in the now decade old Scream franchise I was admittedly a bit nervous. As a huge fan of the series since I was just 9 years old (Including both sequels which I found entertaining for all of their shortcomings), I was scared that what I was about to see would be more of a "DREAM CHILD" than a "DREAM WARRIORS" for the soon to be, if not already, classic franchise. (And yes I know that Craven did not make said movies, simply making a comparison in qualities) After all, it is hard to make just ONE quality sequel to a film, much less 3. But I held out hope as I waited for the film to begin, and with fingers crossed I watched as the opening sequence rolled.

I will try to keep this review as spoiler free as humanly possible for those who will have to wait a few more months to see Craven's film, and I can assure you that there will be no major plotlines revealed. The film follows series heroine, Sidney Presscot (Neve Campbell), who has returned to the town of Woodsboro for the final stop of her tour signing autographs and shaking hands in promotion of her self-help book based upon the tragic events of her life and the events of the first 3 films. The trip also coincides with the anniversary of the 'Woodsboro Massacre', AKA the events of the first film. While there Sidney is reunited with series staples, Gale (Patricia Arquette), and now Woodsboro sheriff Dewey Riley. The characters have now married one another, and reside in the small town. The trip also invites the introduction of several newer characters including Emma Robert's Jill, and Mary McDonnell's Kate. (Cousin and aunt to Sidney, respectively) The reunion proves bittersweet however as the reemergence of Sidney in Woodsboro invokes the return of Ghostface, who has once again not only targeted Sidney, but also her loved ones and Jill's friends. Now it seems that Sid must not only fear for her own life, but be forced to bear witness to the murders themselves, as this new killer(s) toys with her and the police of Woodsboro, in a sick and twisted game of cat and mouse.

From the opening scenes (That stay true to the roots of the franchise by delivering a body count tally almost immediately) it is obvious that the past decade of horror has definitely dated the franchise. Everything is bigger. The gore is stronger, the kills are more brutal, and the killer(s) is more sadistic. Instead of simply hunting Sidney, Dewey, and Gale down the killer is now forcing the characters to watch others (and themselves) be attacked and murdered. Speaking of the core cast of returning characters, all three are superb. Campbell's Sidney is now a much stronger, and less vulnerable character than fans remember from the first few films. Less of a victim now, Sid has now come to terms with her past, and faced her demons. (Although, as all humans do, she has her missteps) Dewey and Gale continue to be the heart and soul of the series, delivering one-liners and playing off of each other's performances seamlessly. There is one scene in particular (near the middle) where the two are having a spat over the murders that left me and my friend in stitches. It might be true that Sidney is the 'heroine', but these two characters seem to be the lifeblood flowing through the veins of the films, and even in the most volatile of situations (of which there is a very strong one for the two) they are able to keep some levity in the film, adding much needed heart for hardcore fans.

As for the newcomers to the series lore, fans will be happy to know that Craven has outdone himself with his casting crew to deliver a MUCH more entertaining slew of characters than we have gotten in slasher films of late. (AKA- 
A Nightmare On Elm Street) The standouts of course being Rory Culkin's (Mean Creek) Charlie, and Erik Knudson's Robbie. The two add a definite bit of 'buddy comedy' to the film, as Knudson's character 'documents' and interviews fellow students of Woodsboro High about the 'massacre' and gets their take on the events. Charlie, the more outspoken and endearing of the two, is an expert on the horror genre, and has many great dialogue pieces. In all the two feel much like a replacement (and a worthy one) for Lillard and Kennedy's Stuart and Randy from the first film. This is not to say that the two are the only characters that shine. Emma Roberts plays Jill very well, and even though her character might be a bit less 'likable' than the aforementioned characters, the actress does a good job of playing herself opposite Campbell and keeping up. As for Panettiere, I am predicting that her character becomes a favorite for theater going audiences, as she not only plays herself off as the 'sex appeal' of the film, but also throws out her own share of one-liners that are sure to have the more 'hardened' genre fans smiling. (Ex- Her phone conversation with 'Ghostface' in the newest trailer, which plays even better on screen, as the film takes a major jab at the 'remake' craze in modern cine.)

From a screenplay standpoint, 
Scream 4 is nearly a flawless work for Kevin Williamson. Everything is tight, although there are the usually flubs towards the end. And while the screenplay does trip up slightly in towards the films' third act, no one can really hold the small imperfections against it. Craven returns to form at the helm, delivering what is his best film in years. (And subsequently the best sequel in the franchise to date) There are plenty of jumps to be had, and the scares are at a maximum. The only gripe I would have is that some of the better ones were given away in the trailers, so if you don't want to ruin anything, then I urge you to hold off. But in summary - Scream 4 is NOT My Soul To Take. It is a far superior film and one that I am even willing to bet will be considered one of the best pure SLASHER films of the new decade.

And speaking of the trailer give-aways there are a few. I really dislike this aspect of the film. I get that the marketing guys want to get asses in seats for an R-rated slasher film, but seriously, there is nothing worse than seeing a film and then going "Well, I could have told you that was going to happen from the trailer.". And while I refuse to say WHAT scene it is I am referring to, I will say that it involves a few of the more important cast members. The scene itself is heartbreaking to watch for the hardcore crowd, albeit a bit predetermined, but it is also effective in its necessity, and fans should at the very least appreciate the quality of the performances.

As far as the score goes I expect that most of the changes will come in this area. For the most part there was nothing new here, but the return of the original score by Beltrami from the original trilogy really added to the experience for me as a fan. I'm sure that they will add some more 'recognizable' modern pieces here and there before the film finally hits theaters in April, but from what I can remember there really wasn't a whole lot to talk about here.

From beginning to end 
Scream 4 is a great time. I was never bored, nor did I ever find myself rolling my eyes. I asked my friend afterwords for his thoughts, and all he could come up with was "It was one hell of a good fucking time." With that said I would have to agree. For fans of the franchise (or the slasher genre as a whole)Scream 4 is a treat. It delivers on almost every level possible, and there is a lot to love and embrace in this film. With a fresh new cast, a nostalgic return of several, and some surprise cameos throughout, Scream 4 is the BEST sequel in the franchise, and once again proves that Craven is still a master of the craft. Forget all aboutMy Soul To Take and Cursed, because this is the director at his best. It will scare the shit out of your girlfriend, entertain the hell out of your buddies, and most importantly entertain the TRUE horror fan without insulting them. 

Well there ya have it. Rave review, but what the fuck is going on with Gale in the 3rd paragraph from the bottom. They are almost for sure talking about the barn scene. Gale can't die, I won't be able to handle it. Dewey, eh, I'd be shaken up if he were to bite it; Sidney, I'd be very upset and get over it over the summer; but GALE! NO FREAKING WAY. We Scream fans have waited eleven years to see the best character die! BS!

Now, there's always a chance that this article is talking about someone else, because the Stab-a-thon (where Gale's chase takes place) ends Act 2. Dewey has already been seen in Act 3, saving the day kind of. How could he just put on his uniform and go on duty when his wife has just died. And other rumors from the screener have said that Sid, Gale, Dewey, Kirby* and Hicks are the survivors, with Jill and Charlie as the killers. It's been said a few times, so I don't know. But if Gale does die. There will be hell to pay. I don't care if 4 is better than all three combined, not happening. 


Cool, new "Scream 4" fan poster

A new fan poster has been posted on IMDb.com for Scream 4. There's usually a post like this every week with people pretending that they made masterful posters when really all they've made is trash. I've taken a liking to this new one though. It's very simplistic, but for some odd reason, I'm drawn to it.

On another note: Wes Craven if you're reading this: when are we getting the cast poster?! We've waited 11 years for it! Can you just release it so we can stop waiting in suspense and stop getting some God-awful fanmade posters (even if this one is actually good)?


Scream: One of the Longest Running Series with Same Cast

Scream has already gone down in history as one of, if not the, most widely popular horror movie franchises of all-time. It may not have a billion sequels like the gang of Michael Myers, Freddy Kruger, and Jason Vorhees, but have all three films loved from all aspects of the industry and 1, 2, and 3 becoming the highest grossing horror films ever made. In case you don't know, Scream 4 returns in 68 days.

My question is, how rare is it to have a franchise where in each film it has the same cast playing the same characters? Very rare; almost impossible for the horror genre, and let's face it, this is not the first time Scream has done the impossible. After getting much grief on IMDb Oscar Buzz about my tight qualifications for the title, only three franchises have claimed the prize ahead of Scream, Harry Potter, Rocky, and Pirates of the Caribbean, which has 4 coming out in May.

One person even posted a list from Wikipedia of movie series with so many installments, and I tried to explain that the same actors haven't been in every film. And I stress the term actors. Not a single person: antagonists shouldn't count. I used Jamie Lee Curtis as an example. She's only been in 4 (maybe 5) of the 10 Halloween films. She would have to be 10/10 for Halloween to make the list. Scream 1, 2, 3, and 4 have all had Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, David Arquette, and Roger Jackson (Jame Kennedy is also rumored to return for 4).

I love being so closely linked to one of the longest true film series in the past; the longest true horror franchise.

 scream 4 29 6 10 kc Behind the Scenes Footage from Scream 4


Happy 11th Birthday to the best film of all-time

HelloSidney.com has done a very interesting and highly enjoyable write-up of Scream 3's 11 birthday->http://www.hellosidney.com/node/821

...there's much that's grisly, but "Scream 3" is also genuinely scary and also highly amusing...a cinematic tour de force...Ehren Kruger has come with a persuasive back story to explain away what triggered the carnage of all three movies. Marco Beltrami's high-energy score and Peter Deming's superior camera work add to "Scream 3's" vitality and punch...Let's seriously hope that Dimension Films now quits while it's ahead--way ahead.

A frightfully good job.
Susan Wloszczyna, USA TODAY

"Scream 3" is undeniably well-done, thanks to director Wes Craven's masterful sense of the horror/comedy combination...The revelation of the killer is, as always, a genuine surprise..."Scream 3" is a success, proving that it actually is possible to make two good sequels to a good horror movie. And that's where the "Scream" series--which was created to mock the crappy, sequel-spawning slasher genre--really has the last laugh. It's succeeded in not just satirizing teen horror films, but in actually beating them at their own game.
Eric D. Snider, LAND OF ERIC

Third cut is the deepest: An intricate plot, plenty of wit make 'Scream 3' a scream...where storytelling ends and life begins becomes even more mind-warpingly blurred...The plot is breathlessly inventive and hip.

The best and most lucrative horror-movie franchise of the last decade is coming to its funny, bloody, undeniably quirky end...packaged with loads of hip, self-referencing humor and undeniable style. We’ll miss you, Sidney; you were always a cut above the competition.

...we finally got ourselves a really good movie in the year 2000...a solid storyline, bloodstained action, a great cast, slick dialogue, an unpredictable ending and cameos all around...The end of this trilogy is a solid hit on all counts with plenty of suspense, intrigue, bloody murders, and cool in-jokes to satisfy any SCREAM fan who had been patiently tolerating all of the lame-brain wannabees over the past few years...they ended the trilogy on a real high note with this winner.

"Scream 3" keeps true to the series' tradition of playing like a mystery as the plot twists and turns...Craven hasn't lost his horror film touch...his slasher smarts with Kruger's fun and smart script put a nice finish on a scary franchise.
Jom Peterson, Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Scream 3 is witty and intelligent and still tilts the gore-o-meter...one of the better second sequels of any genre, not just horror films...SCREAM unfortunately inspired many forgettable knockoffs throughout the later portion of the 1990s.

...still miles ahead of the I-Still-Know-the-Urban-Legend-About-What-Disturbing Behavior-the-Faculty-Was-Teaching-Mrs.-Tingle-Last-Summer pack of imitators...an enjoyable parade of gory slayings and amusing pop-culture jabs.
Tor Thorsen, REEL.COM

...delivers a number of good laughs along with some genuinely creepy moments...Throughout the film, Craven uses lights and darks masterfully, and his positioning of music to heighten tension is far more effective than in most films of the genre.
Edward Johnson-Ott, NUVO Newsweekly

Normally, as a critic, we are exempt from the cost of seeing a movie...After Dimension cancelled the screener of Scream 3 I had to pay. This is one movie that I did not waste my money on...Scream 3 is undeniably fun.
James Brundage, filmcritic.com

...the Scream films are fun because of the little jokes along the way...there is certainly no lack of realism here, as we see our killer hunt down and viciously slice up.

A clever, entertaining movie.

...genuine fright...Scream 3 offers enough red herrings to gag Hitchcock...it's a pretty effective ending.

Wraps up the trilogy in satisfying fashion.

Craven takes obvious pleasure in skewering the hand that's alternately fed and censored him all these years...the plot takes us folding back in time to re-evaluate Scream's central mystery.
Gemma Files, FILM.COM

...the film is funny and brisk...Parker Posey glows...Campbell shows real ability--when her eyes go dark with concern and fear, she is nerve-racked and tormented, not play-acting.
Elvis Mitchell, NEW YORK TIMES

Scream 3 is easily as much fun as parts one and two, and just as suspenseful...compare Scream 3 to any of the recent teen-horror offerings — I Know What You Did Last Summer, Teaching Mrs. Tingle, The Rage: Carrie 2, Idle Hands — and it's a masterpiece of the genre.
Susan E. Brown, POPMATTERS

Holds up the honor of the franchise nicely... I enjoyed every moment of this densely plotted final chapter...The final installment of Wes Craven's trilogy may be too wrapped up in its own cleverness, but it's still a fond farewell.
Andrew O'Hehir, SALON.COM

The funniest of the trilogy.

Craven and new writer Ehren Kruger toss everything and the blood-soaked kitchen sink into the mix.

Fans of the first two blockbuster hits won't be disappointed.

"Scream 3" fulfills its modest ambitions by delivering a glib slasher spoof for the mall crowd.
Edward Guthmann, San Francisco Chronicle

The third time's a charm. Scream 3 is nearly on par with the first...Oh, please, Kevin, reconsider and give us a Scream 4!

Over two more years have passed, but the final film in the financially and creatively successful trilogy, Scream 3, has arrived, and to say it was well worth the wait would be an understatement...Scream 3 is a groundbreaking motion picture itself--a second sequel that has somehow accomplished the daunting task of being every bit as fresh and thoroughly gratifying as the now-classic film that started it all...skillfully comes around full circle...One of the elements that is so ingenious in "Scream 3," however, is in its movie-within-a-movie approach..."Scream 3" is that rare case in which it is not merely here to cash in on the big bucks, but was all along planned as a trilogy..."Scream 3" does a fabulous job of wrapping things up and filling in the missing pieces...while delivering scares, snappy dialogue, believable characters..."Scream 3," like its 1996 precursor, is a multi-layered funhouse of chills that does a more-than-sufficient job of keeping the surprising twists coming...Campbell is able to surpass her performances in both of the other pictures...Neve has done nothing but develop into an even more talented actress with clear star qualities within the last three-and-a-half years...What cannot be denied is that Craven is a master at setting up absorbing horror set-pieces, and no matter what, is constantly adding a stylish flare to the proceedings...With the wholeheartedly satisfying conclusion of "Scream 3," perhaps the most widely popular horror movie series of all time has come to a close. The way each of the surviving characters' lives receive closure is an excellent touch, and the final few shots are filled with subtle, yet remarkable power. Who would have guessed that the ending of a film called "Scream 3" could be so poignant? Certainly not I, but it is. Now how's that for an unexpected twist?

Kevin Hardons who never gave it a fair chance will still deny all these raves (realize that there are millions of fans of the Scream trilogy outside this board and they don't all share the opinion that Scream 3 in't worthy of being apart of the series and should be overlooked because Williamson's name isn't on the poster), but for the S3 fans out there, it's an interesting read. 


My Coverage of the 17th Annual SAG Awards

This isn't really an official write-up, just some thoughts on how the show went on Sunday....

The introduction this year wasn't as boring; rather, it was funny and entertaining. You just gotta choose the right actors to tell their stories.

I love Betty White, she's a funny lady, but enough is enough!

KUDOS on Margulies winning again! 100% Deserved!

The Good Wife was robbed, again, for Best Ensemble Drama Series; 30 Rock should've won Comedy.

No Cougar Town for anything makes me mad! Cox is better than everyone nominated, and even without Cox there they can't choose the right lady! Tina Fey should've won with Alec Baldwin.

Melissa Leo, congrats! She should be tying all these awards with Amy Adams, but half of the correct winner is the best I can ask for, I guess.

Pick a better clip for Mila Kunis! Maybe, "You really need to relax" or "Someone's hot for teacher!"

Natalie Portman certainly improved her dress from the Golden Globe. She looked stunning.

Bale, while good in the role, robbed Rush, Renner, and Ruffalo who were better. He's probably going to win the Oscar, with Rush being the only upset.

Mark Walberg and Amy Adams were the best presenters of the Best Ensemble film clips. Vivacious and alive. I loved Bale yelling from offstage and the Amy Adams applause (I did clap).

Perfect clip for Annette Bening.
Good clip for Kidman, I would've chosen the supermarket or Bowling alley scene.
Jennifer Lawrence, why are you nominated?
Portman's clip, while good, I would've picked "It's my turn!" or "I can't? I'm the Swan Queen!" or when she dances the Black Swan. God, such a great performance can't chose just one clip!
Hillary Swank, can you please switch with Michelle Williams for her Oscar nod? PLEASE!

This makes Portman a lock, her win. I screamed! PORTMAN! PORTMAN!

Firth and The King's Speech winning the last two awards makes me happy. It's a much better film than The Social Network. My favorite of the year after Black Swan and Inception. Please win the Oscar over that stupid Facebook movie! Colin Firth is winning what should be his second award in a row.

"The Dark Knight Rises" better than TDK; Cameron defends Nolan

According the cinematographer of Nolan's very successful Batman flicks, he's topped himself (again), but as with his astonishing snub for Best Director for Inception last week, he will probably be ignored (again).

On how can Nolan top The Dark Knight?
I asked the same question. I read the script two weeks ago, and he's done it. Plain and simple — he's done it. It's a phenomenal script. He's still in the process of cutting it back because it's a very long script right now, but it's really phenomenal. And he actually had me go back and wanted me to watch, in IMAX,Batman Begins and The Dark Knight again. When I watched those I had read the script for The Dark Knight Rises and was like, 'dude, it is a perfect trilogy.' I think that was his intent, to work of those two pictures — and they are very different pictures. And it's funny, we all had different opinions about which picture we like better.

On Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle (aka Catwoman)
"She's so good. She did an incredible job. She is a great, great actress… and she looked phenomenal in the wardrobe."

On the upcoming shoot
"Our goal is to shoot as much in IMAX as we can. We're going to put in on the screen, and put it on the screen big. And I really encourage everyone to see it in IMAX if they can because we're really going for it this time. In terms of the action, we are all scratching our heads right now trying to figure out how we're going to do it; how we're going to do it in the amount of time we're going to do it in. The opening scene of the movie will blow your mind."

Nolan also has earned the master of action and science fiction's respect, James Cameron. He spoke out about his horrible snub at the Oscars. 

The most obvious snub in this year’s batch of Academy Award nominations was beloved director Christopher Nolan, who did not receive a nomination for Best Director, though his film Inception racked up eight nominations, including Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay.  Biggest director of all time James Cameron has joined the ranks of vocal dissenters, saying “I wish Chris Nolan had gotten nominated for directing that film.”
 "I loved Inception, and I wish that it had gotten more,” the director toldThe Hollywood Reporter at the premiere of his producing ventureSanctum, which uses the 3D camera system he developed forAvatar.  The always-forthright Cameron declared that Nolan deserved a nomination, explaining, “I think that it’s the most astounding piece of film creation and direction of the year, hands down ... but now it’s not even in the running. So I diverge from the Academy’s taste in a lot of ways."
He told THR that the Best Picture race this year is “almost anyone’s guess” and said, "I don’t see a lot of strong trends emerging. The media have tried to pick their winners, but then some of the Guild awards have warded that. I think it's a very open race. It makes it exciting."
As to where he would put his money in this year’s Oscar race, he plays it close to the vest, saying, “I never publicize my picks.  Oh, I have picks, but I don’t tell."

Craven on S4: "NOT RESHOOTS!"

Fans have been speculating about the supposed reshoots on Scream 4 for a week now; Wes Craven finally speaks out.

Scream 4 fans were in a tizzy whenrumors of reshoots flooded the Internet this past weekend. Director Wes Craven even tweeted that production had returned to Michiganand posted a pic of Community‘s Alison Brie. (Friday Night Lights‘ Aimee Teegarden also tweeted that she was called back for more filming.) But Craven tells EW EXCLUSIVELY that it they were simply adding to two pivotal moments to the horror flick, out April 15. “They’re not reshoots,” says Craven from the snowy set in Detroit. “We had a couple test screenings and we saw two scenes where they had moments you could add to and we just saw a spectacular opportunity. Bob [Weinstein] just said to me basically, ‘You go to your dark side and I’ll give you the money!’ [Laughs] The two scenes were really good, but we saw how they could be spectacular, so we thought, let’s just go for it. They were key moments of the script, so we just decided to go back and go for the grand slam on them.” And as for reports that the ending was being retooled? Don’t believe it. “No, the ending is totally kick-ass,” says Craven. “We’re not gonna touch that. [The scenes being added to are] one scene that’s kind of in the late beginning and one scene that’s a little bit later.” Based on this info (and from dissecting the trailer like a good Scream obsessive), it sounds like Craven and Co. are amping up Brie’s Ghostface attack scene in the parking garage, as well as Teegarden and Brittany Robertson’s own meeting with the masked killer.

Good news!